Coffee & College Soccer

Coffee shops are historically a place where people gather to collaborate or sometimes meet for the first time. Each of us has our own unique pregame ritual whether that be listening to our favorite music, facetime with family, organizing our gear, etc. The most popular amongst our NISOA Family is drinking coffee before a game and whether your “go to” drink is hot coffee, cold brew, a shot of espresso, or something else, you’ve helped to spread this tradition in our community!

We are excited to be launching Coffee and College Soccer to create a recommendation system built by YOU, our NISOA Family! Each week we will organize the recommendations you’ve made and highlight different coffee shops around the country near college & university campuses so that before your next game you can see if any other NISOA members have recommended a good place to grab your next “cup of Joe” or meet up with your crew!


NISOA members can access the link to make recommendations and view the full list of recommendations using the Member Portal.


Second Annual WCC Referee Seminar a Huge Success


In Memoriam: Kevin Mesman